150W from RM10 core


New member
Hi! I going to build an 150W hybrid labolatory supply. I have several questions

It is possible to reach 150W from RM10 core? I'll be a full-brdge typology 230V/30V (5A) supply, working at 20kHz i think, but can be higher. From my earlier calculations windings will fit into window ven for half-bridge. The question is - will core strength it?


New member
RM10 core is to small.

Thanks for quick reply.

What if i raise the frequency to 100kHz? On the table shows that, i can reach 177W. Even with RM12 i need to increase freq, so it isn't problem to reach 100kHz.

What is the cause of these power limitations? I know, it must be, but is there some formula to calculate it? Is it caused by heat of core? But what is difference for core? Magnetic flux is same in full-bridge typology and depends on the voltage, freq and number of windings count of primary, but no depends on currents, becouse these fields are enduring mutually.

Can you upload orginal article, which contains attached table?


New member
That chart came from this book.

Switching Power Supply Design 3rd ed - A. Pressman, et al., (McGraw-Hill, 2009)

He does give the equation and frequency is part of it, but I just use his chart. It is actually several pages long.