Audio smps 700w (IR2153)


New member
Hi again Benny, the high frequency startup is because the IR2153 does not have a soft start. Charging the secondary capacitors at startup present a nearly dead short especially if having more than 2000uf on each of the center tap windings. However starting the trafo with 3 times the frequency cannot deliver that much current as this is wound for a lower frequency. This will reduce the stress on the mosfets and prevent them from burning.
Another way to eliminate this problem can be arranged by putting a 5R resistor on the VS line to limit the current and then this resistor can be bypassed by means of a relay after a couple of seconds after startup. Another idea comes in mind is adding an NTC thermistor on the VS line. However with an NTC you cannot start the smps while the thermistor is still warm as it will have no effect as its resistace would be very low.

Regards Silvio
Hi, Silvio
I'm Benny from the IRS2153 I tested last year
I have now switched back to the IR2153 beta sub
lt is working normally without big problems.
But now this power supply finishes working after the power is turned off
The transformer will produce a noticeable hum that disappears after a few seconds
I think the capacitor or transformer is discharging too slowly?
Have you ever had a similar problem or have any suggestions?


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Well-known member
Hi, Silvio
I'm Benny from the IRS2153 I tested last year
I have now switched back to the IR2153 beta sub
lt is working normally without big problems.
But now this power supply finishes working after the power is turned off
The transformer will produce a noticeable hum that disappears after a few seconds
I think the capacitor or transformer is discharging too slowly?
Have you ever had a similar problem or have any suggestions?
Put the volume control to minimum prior to switching off or you can add a mute circuit to the amplifier sensed on the mains supply swich.
You can also add a crowbar circuit formed by a tyristor in series with a resistor to limit current. This will be sensed with the power switch and will activate when the power is switched off hence discharging quickly the secondary voltage.
These are ideas you can adopt. I do not have any circuits for the ideas and these need to be developed by yourself or you can research the internet.
Good luck
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Hello Silvio! How are you? I have finished the SMPS with the control pcb from the V2.1 pdf file.
I want to know about the construction of the CT, is it 40 double turns or 80 double turns?
I show you some of the toroids that I have, can they be used with iron powder like those of the ATX smps?

I await your response to finish and rehearse, thank you very much!

I tried using a black toroid with 20 double turns of 0.3mm and with 140Vdc between rails I placed a load of 100 ohms. But no matter how much I adjust the current trimpot, my load is always energized.


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Well-known member
Hello Silvio! How are you? I have finished the SMPS with the control pcb from the V2.1 pdf file.
I want to know about the construction of the CT, is it 40 double turns or 80 double turns?
I show you some of the toroids that I have, can they be used with iron powder like those of the ATX smps?

I await your response to finish and rehearse, thank you very much!

I tried using a black toroid with 20 double turns of 0.3mm and with 140Vdc between rails I placed a load of 100 ohms. But no matter how much I adjust the current trimpot, my load is always energized.
Hi, for the current trafo you need to wind 80 double turns. It is best done with 0.15 or 0.2mm copper wire.
You take two lengths of wire and wind them together. Thin wire can be found in relay coil.
Regards Silvio


New member
Hello, does the position and distance of the 2153, transistors and transformer have an effect on functionality?


Well-known member
Hello, does the position and distance of the 2153, transistors and transformer have an effect on functionality?
Well in a way yes. The shorther the path with the signal to the mosfet gates the less likely to get false triggering due to induced capacitance and inductace in the traces. Try to keep high current paths away from small signal paths while designing the pcb. It is one reason I use a vertical pin header on the main pcb. This will shoten the path and saves space.


New member
I finished IR2153 SMPS. I got inspired here. The SMPS is very powerful and reliable. When the 600W amplifier limiting, the voltage still does not drop. That is very good. But when amplifier limiting, the SMPS makes a strange sound. I can't figure out which part is doing it. I recorded the noise, microphone close to SMPS. Don't know what causes it?
Here is a sample:

Thank you for help.


Well-known member
The noise is coming from the SMPS. When limit cuts in the smps tries to switch off and re- starts again. I don't know what your amplifier is consumig. I suggest that you increase the limit current to get rid of the noise. You must also check if your amplifier is clipping. Working your amp at full blast will not last very long.


New member
Hi guys.
Please help.
I have repeatable failure trying to repair this smps.
Smps start good when i have a bulb is series with the main(bulb light a little at start up and go dark instandly).
Smps burned instandly as soon as this connected directly at the main(no bulb in series).
i have replaced (eatch time that i repaired) all the small signal transistors,drivers e.t.c ,IC,IGBT.


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New member
Smps de áudio 550 watts 700 watts de pico

Aqui está um smps de meia ponte de áudio que pode ser alterado de várias maneiras. Este smps foi projetado de forma que diferentes drivers possam ser adotados, bem como diferentes circuitos de proteção. O apresentado aqui vem com um limitador de corrente que funciona muito bem.

A escolha do driver no momento é o IR2153 que é bastante barato. No entanto, outras opções podem ser feitas para serem acionadas com um SG3525 e podem ser reguladas. Opções de feedback podem ser incluídas em uma pequena placa de circuito impresso com um acoplador óptico e Zener para estabilizar a tensão de saída. Foram feitas provisões para indutores de saída. No entanto, estes são muito pequenos (5uH) no momento, pois este smps é destinado a fins de áudio e não é estabilizado, o IR2153 funciona em ciclo completo e não é gerado muito ruído.

A construção do transformador é muito importante e o acoplamento rígido foi levado em consideração durante o enrolamento. No entanto, os amortecedores de entrada e saída não foram necessários, pois as formas de onda ficaram muito limpas e livres de distorções e picos. Está disponível no youtube um vídeo sobre a construção do transformador que pode ser encontrado neste link.
Aqui é vista toda a construção do trafo com algumas dicas muito boas para uma boa construção de transformador para este SMPs.

Descrição do circuito

À medida que o smps é ligado, a tensão CC retificada começa a carregar o capacitor principal, limitando a corrente através do termistor NTC de 15 ohms. À medida que a tensão no bulk cap atinge cerca de 170 VCC, TR1 e 2 são acoplados em uma fonte de corrente constante cuja tensão em TR1 é fixada em 160 V via ZD1. TR 2 é fixado em 10 volts via ZD2. juntos, eles começam a carregar C8 quando a tensão limite é de cerca de 9,2 volts. O chip inicia a oscilação. A fonte auxiliar assume e estabiliza a tensão no pino 1 do IR2153 em 13 volts via ZD3, portanto, a fonte de corrente constante é desligada. Ao mesmo tempo começa a carregar as tampas secundárias principais a corrente porém é limitada pelo limitador de corrente a cerca de 6 amperes na entrada do dreno do TR4 e TR5. Um circuito de 2 voltas no transformador alimenta a porta do triac na entrada, causando curto-circuito no termistor NTC e a potência total agora está disponível. Tudo isso acontece num piscar de olhos.

Curto-circuito e limitação de corrente.
A escolha do limitador de corrente foi escolhida, porém admito que não é meu projeto e depois de alguns ajustes no capacitor de acoplamento e também em alguns valores de resistor do circuito original funciona muito bem. Ele limita a potência de saída a 700 watts, dos quais também pode ser ajustado para potência maior ou menor. Isso protegerá o amplificador e o próprio smps durante sobrecarga, reduzindo a tensão de saída e a corrente de saída cai para cerca de 2,5 amperes até que a sobrecarga seja removida.
A detecção de corrente pode ser feita com um transformador de corrente ou com um método mais simples que escolhi. No meu caso, a detecção da corrente é feita detectando a ondulação da tensão no ponto central dos fets. Quando o limite é atingido, o TR3 desce a alimentação do pino 1 através do Led 1 do IR2153 e assim o desliga. É alcançado um ponto onde a carga diminui e também a ondulação e a oscilação recomeçam. Esta ação é repetida até que uma carga razoável seja atingida e a operação normal seja reiniciada. Se houver um curto-circuito, a corrente de saída será limitada a 2,5 amperes. >>>>> Continua em pdf
PDF, please.


New member
Hi guys.
Please help.
I have repeatable failure trying to repair this smps.
Smps start good when i have a bulb is series with the main(bulb light a little at start up and go dark instandly).
Smps burned instandly as soon as this connected directly at the main(no bulb in series).
i have replaced (eatch time that i repaired) all the small signal transistors,drivers e.t.c ,IC,IGBT.
The IR2153 is designed to work with the load connected to the minus side of the power supply, not 1/2Vdc.


Well-known member
Check and see if your IGBTs are genuine. Measure the capacity between gate and source this should be around 4-5 nF.
Remember that the IR2153 has no soft start and the surge current when charging the output capacitors on start up will easily burn your IGBTs if they cannot cope with it. Change also the bootstrap capacitor and put a good quality one with low esr. Lastly see that the softstart relay has ample delay on startup before latching.
Good luck.


New member
IGBT are genuine,as i order from Mouser.
Sorry,is the bootstrap capacitor the C922?
Relay voltage is direct from the smps secondary.
I don't think that relay has ample on startup before latching this way.
I see another delay circuit arround IR 2153,this in red circle.
I used as alternative to IRG4PC50W.
I don't know if it is suitable.
PS i now seen,the bootstrap capacitor is the C906=10uf/25v


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New member
The "specialist" from Phonic did not carefully study the PDF and the functional diagram of the IR2153. The correct scheme is with the primary connected to the electrical ground.only the smps2.png


New member
Connecting the CT pin to ground GND turns it off
the oscillator and the lower MOSFET will remain ON.
Therefore, the bootstrap capacitor remains charged and the circuit can restart immediately.
This method is suitable when using the inverter
just a DC filter capacitor connected to the supply ground. For SMPS with two filter capacitors inserted and the load connected between them, an integrated circuit must be used to stop both L6569A type mosfets.


New member
Hi All !

This is the revised PCB V1.4.
I resized some components, C17 (soft start) wired properly, add FAN supply as suggested by Sylvio.
Gerber on request.